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but is it just a trifle or does mba have real value is a bone of contention. here are some of the points that answer why one should opt for an mba. better salary the average salary of an mba graduate from iim and other top b-schools is higher than that of an employee with a regu...
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It contains a carbon-nitrogen double bond with the nitrogen atom connected to an aryl or alkyl group-but, not hydrogen. They have the general formula ${ R }^{ 1 }{ R }^{ 2 }{ C=NR }^{ 3 }$ where R is an organic side chain. Hence, it is an amine.Glucose does not reac...
Proteins are polymers, and yet the language used in describing their thermodynamics and kinetics is most often that of small molecules. Using the terminology and mathematical descriptions of small molecules impedes understanding why proteins have evolved to be big in comparison. Many properties of the...
In fact, glioma cells have a remarkable ability to infiltrate the surrounding brain tissue and migrate long distances away from the tumour bed, which enables them to escape surgical resection, radiation exposure and chemotherapy4–6. The persistently poor prognosis, together with the high treatment ...
If the German physicists were at all interested in the physics of the bomb, the measurement would have been a sensation: The fact that their value is three times larger as the real one (1.2 barn) would have meant that a mass of only 2 kg would suffice for a U 235 bomb. 3.5. A ...
from a larger organism. direct evidence of ancient viruses does not exist as they do not form fossils, however, their existence is undisputed. scientists have analysed the complete genetic information of non-viral organisms like vertebrates and discovered fragments of dna sequences (called endogenous...
Complete Step By Step Answer:$ MgO $ is an ionic solid that is non-molecular. The material is made up of an infinite number of magnesium and oxide ions linked by strong electrostatic bonds that run throughout the lattice.Ionic compounds have a high melting point ...
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