Just be sure to keep an eye on them and make sure they’re not eating too much or too quickly, as this can lead to stomach aches and other digestive issues. If your dog is having trouble pooping after eating, consult your veterinarian to rule out any health concerns. Otherwise, just re...
Your pooch is likely to see a cat's litter tray as less of a bathroom facility and more as a source of gastronomic delights. Coprophagia — the scientific name for feces eating — is something you should discourage but is unlikely to cause serious illness unless the cat has toxoplasmosis. H...
but instead, he's trying to lick his paw or stomach, and the carpet happens to be underneath the area he's licking. If you notice this is the case, carefully examine the bothered body part and if you can't find an immediate source of discomfort, take your dog to the vet...
PetHelpful adds that some dogs eat snow for the same reason they eat grass: to induce vomiting in order to settle an upset stomach. They just like it: It's probably curiosity that first prompts a dog to nibble on snow. Whether it's the taste, the texture or the cold sensation, ...
If your dog doesn’t eat the food you’re serving him, it might be that he simply does not like it. 5. Your Dog Might Have An Upset Stomach Dogs love investigating the environment andeating whatever they find. This may cause some stomach health issues, which can cause them to refuse ...
Hi, Can anyone tell me if fox poop is dangerous to our cocker puppy; his eyes, stomach, etc? Thanks! Dangers of Fox Poo By: Pauline Website Owner Hi Cocker Claire! Just like many other animals, foxes can carry parasites and spread disease. Although the threat of rabies was at one tim...
Dogs change for a reason. It could be a response to not feeling good within themselves, perhaps due to stomach upsets or sore joints. Or it could be that they aren’t feeling emotionally stable, perhaps because something has changed in their lives. ...
However, if it’s as small as a blade of grass, it will be more irritating than harmful, and drinking some water ought to alleviate your pooch’s symptoms. Training your dog not to eat anything outside of their food bowl can prevent them from eating toxic or dangerous objects. ...
(but rarely), dogs may consume grass in excess when they feel unwell in an attempt to irritate their stomach and induce vomiting. This is actually one of the less common reasons for grass eating, as very few dogs actually vomit after eating grass. Lastly, in some (diseased) conditions ...
or bite that area in order to relieve himself of the discomfort. The hair loss occurs in circular or randomly distributed patterns if he has fungi-induced ringworm, but only in areas such as ears, stomach, chest, and eyes if he has parasite-induced hair loss. Most often, you can keep ...