Sometimes, people have poop that's so dark it looks black. It might also have a sticky consistency, like that of tar. If yourpoopis black, it might be due to a change in yourdiet,a new medicine you're taking, or a medical problem that you don't want to ignore. It's not unusual...
Why does my groin hurt so much? There can be many reasons for groin pain. But it's most often caused by straininga muscle, ligament, or tendon, especially if you're active in sports. What is a red flag for groin pain? Get medical help right away if: ...
The first time my puppy did that, I was completely baffled by his behavior. We had just come back inside from a successful potty, and as soon as he was off leash he squatted and peed again in the middle of the carpet. And let me tell you, cleaning up urine stains from a white ...
Bristol Stool Chart for Healthy Poop Why Does My Pee Smell? Why Drinking Coffee Makes You Poop Why Can’t You Poop? Constipation Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments What To Eat (And Avoid) When Your Stomach Is Upset 12 Natural Remedies for Constipation Relief...
8 Ways To Get Rid Of Period Bloating Do Anti-Bloat Supplements Really Work? How To Reduce Bloating And Get Instant Relief What To Know About Selena Gomez's SIBO 'My Rare Genetic Disorder Was Dismissed As IBS' This Common Nut Could Reduce Inflammation ...
There may be other medical reasons your dog poops indoors. That’s why it never hurts to rule out these problems first. Aging Have you noticed your dog poops more in the house as they get older? You aren’t alone. Older dogs often have fecal incontinence, or a lack of bowel control...
Why does my newborn have green poop? Dark green is actually the right color for newborn poop! Meconium – your baby's first poop – is very dark green, looking almost black. It's made up of amniotic fluid, skin cells, lanugo (the fine hair that covered your baby's body), and mucu...
Still, if you're wondering, Why does my poop smell so bad? you shouldn't simply dismiss the thought and carry on business as usual. A particularly bad odor can sometimes be a sign that something is off with your health. But it's worth stating upfront that stinky poo is not ...
Avoiding drinking water just after meals can also help. Water dilutes the gastric juices that digest the food, which is not necessarily good for digestion. Virus Infections – The Reason Behind Smelly Poop In addition, a virus infection can also cause strong-smelling poop. This is the case ...
A blockage of the intestines can lead to vomiting, combined with breath that smells like poop. If you’re worried that your cat might have eaten something that could have blocked their intestines, like a toy or other non-food item, watch out for these symptoms. ...