Hi all - doing some exploring with lets and lambda in excel and passing arrays around. I found a weird quirk where something that should work doesn't work as expected in a surprising way. This problem also (or primarily) appears with byrow. This formula results in the fo...
Karl Timmermans [Outlook MVP] "Outlook Contact Import/Export/Data Mgmt" http://www.contactgenie.comThursday, March 31, 2016 12:35 AMout look keeps asking me to log into one of my hotmail accounts constantly every time i run it i get the small internet e-mail box thing that asks me to...
it does its own authentication checks and stamps the result, but they are not used. Instead, Hotmail/outlook.com pushes its authentication checks into its spam/non-spam verdict which EOP re-uses.
alast time i went to Mars with my family. we took the space ship and flew there in the morning. we met the alients on mars, they look so weird. they have three eyes and four legs. they have really long hair because it's so cold in the evening that they need something to cover...
Unless you’re dropping that info like a challenge, as a form of dominance or authority or some weird form of one-upmanship – and it certainly doesn’t sound like you are – then the question of “how to roll it out” really does make it sound like the issue is “how do I do th...
And the google page looks weird. Like old or something. It doesn't look like what I am used to on my other newer computer. All network settings are as they were and working fine and I am hardwired Ethernet. • The other odd issue is even though I have time set automatically and ...
First thing, in the chances where I really have to think a problem, and there is no need to look at code, I pick my bike and go for a one hour ride. Or a two hour ride. At least if the weather is good. It's much nicer than staying in front of the computer. ...
And it wasn't until I could see my part in this that my outlook could change. This is what I learned: that the closure we seek comes in forgiving. And this closure is really up to us, because the power to forgive does not lie out side us, but within. In a society like ours...
Gmail long ago, together with activating 2FA. This worked perfectly for years, until the recent block. It does not seem I can do anything further with Outlook, and yes, I’m aware that a 2003 program is antique by current standards. Google considers my Outlook as a “less secure app”....
Alex Tsakiris: If that eventually doesn’t lead back to some kind of adjustment in our spiritual outlook, i.e. How do I live my life in a meaningful way? How do I figure out what I’m supposed to do at any time? Then, all of this is just bullshit, just another form of entertain...