Since its release in October, the free-to-play card collecting game has taken up more and more real estate in my head. What started as a harmless curiosity has since grown into an infuriating obsession. I fiddle with it constantly as if I’m using a digital fidget toy. When I don’t ...
‘They detest the Jews and imitate them constantly. There is no anti-Semite who does not feel an instinctive urge to ape what he imagines to be Jewishness… The argumentative jerking of the hands, the singing tone of voice, and the nose, that physiognomic principium individuationis, which w...
Common Cold –It is one of the 200 types of viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract that primarily affects the nose (rhino) The most common one is called the rhinovirus. It is also call influence. A cold affects larynx, nose, throat, and sinuses. Signs and symptoms include...
This year, I'm learning Ruby.Does that mean my team is moving to Ruby? Probably not, but it does mean I'm learning Ruby this year because I believe insharpening the saw. You might be too busy sawing to sharpen, but I'd encourage you - no matter what brand or type of ...