What the Covid-19 “pause” and the aftermath of the pandemic first revealed, and what the recent advances in artificial intelligence have confirmed, is that federated search, advanced as it is, does not meet users’ expectations for a trulydigital workplaceanymore, and will likely not be eno...
Why Does Email Bounce?So many reasons your email might come back to you. by Leo A. Notenboom (Image: canva.com) Email can bounce for many reasons. I'll look at several of the most common email bounce messages and try to interpret what they really mean. Question: Sometimes, my email ...
Does it make sense to you that in America today, 2 billionaires own more wealth than the bottom 40% and the top 1% owns more wealth than the bottom 92%? — Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) October 21, 2021 Q&As are the bread and butter of political accounts. Posing topical questions to ...