A dog who does this obsessively, though, may not have been properly socialized. As a result, he may overuse this stereotypical behavior because he doesn't understand how to approach dogs. Some dogs will go as far as licking inside the other dog's open mouth. My female Rottie used to do...
有些事情就是“狗的事情”,我们应该认识到这一点,而且,人类才是需要调整的那一个! http://iheartdogs.com/ask-a-vet-why-does-my-dog-sniff-peoples-privates/ 【图片均来自网络】 【请尊重文章原作者及译者的著作权。转发请注明原文出处和译文出处,并保持文章及来源的完整性】...