Why does rotten meat bring about flies? Why is it when someone is cooking something, like cookies or pizza, you can smell it all the way upstairs? Why is it important to identify the presence of fecal contamination in the environment? If you were monitoring a particular, such as the San...
Does Dog Pee Smell? Yes, dog pee does smell, but not usually immediately. You probably won’t notice the smell when they first pee. It will start “off-gassing” within an hour or two as it is exposed to oxygen, and that is when it starts to smell. Can The Smell Of Dog Urine Be...
Poop, feces, stool — whatever you call it, there's no denying the unpleasant smell. While it's perfectly normal for poo to be pungent, it makes you wonder what it is about our excrement that makes it stink. So why does poop smell bad? "Stools are generally not a pleasant smell beca...
Does your poop stink due to your diet? If yes, then you can try a few things to normalize the smell of your poop again. Try to avoid dairy (temporarily). If the smell is reduced within two or three days, then you can eat dairy products again Try to avoid fatty or fried foods Eat...
If your canine buddy runs across an overturned garbage can or something dead in the backyard, there's a good chance he'll roll around in it until he's good and stinky too. Does your dog just like the gross smell or is there some other innate reason for what we think is a disgusting...
6. Your dog may be experiencing anxiety Like all humans, dogs can get anxiety from various things. But how does anxiety cause them to eat their own feces? In the early stages of house training, some owners can be a little too harsh with their puppy. Harsh punishments are not needed. ...
Dogs eating rabbit poop is a common and repulsive problem for many pet owners. Learn what causes this behavior and how to prevent it with these easy and helpful tips.
“If you haven’t smelled a dog who’s rolled in fox feces, then your life is slightly better than mine, because it’s a horrible smell, skunky and repulsive, and it clings to dog fur like a burr.” But why DO dogs rollin strong smelling scents? And why choose the scents that they...
Bernocco goes on to say that cats are running because, in the wild, the smell of poop will attract predators.Unfortunately, while the blog does name an “experienced pet writer (Lori Soard),” it’s unclear how the information was scientifically tested. No specific experts in veterinary ...
QUICK TIP:If your puppy has an accident in the house it’s important to thoroughly remove the odor. We recommend using an enzymatic cleaner likePuppy In Training’s Stain & Odor Removerto completely remove the smell so your dog won’t be tempted to potty on the same spot in the future....