Start the car and ensure the oil light is off. Start driving and see if the oil light comes on again. Also, look to see if your exhaust is emitting more bluish smoke than you previously remember. If it does, check your oil levels. If they're low, it's time to schedule an appoin...
“There’s probably the rebel part of me that enjoys the, ‘Sir, you’re not supposed to smoke here…’‘Yeah, I know!’” he added. “It’s an expression of freedom for myself. It’s not for everybody, and that’s fine. It’s just a connection I enjoy with some people.” M...
I do understand that some places do have indoor shisha and allow smoking but i don’t understand or accept the fact that a restaurant does not respect people’s wellbeing and good fresh breathe, smokers should be sent to one small cubicle where they can smoke their...
So it’s not very surprising that John List, when he was working at Uber, would try to cook up an interesting experiment. And what’s more interesting than tipping? LIST: Even though it does have a spotty history, when you think about the potential economic incentives of tipping, it actu...
of them here in the city getting her PhD. I feel like I've done my job. The other three, no PhDs, but also really great kids and successful and working. One who still lives at home and the other one who just moved back because he broke up with a girlfriend. But you know what...
I think the Vision Pro was something more akin to the Newton– somebody had a big idea to change the world, the way Apple always does, and people at the company got really excited and invented a bunch of new technology to make it work, but it ended up too expensive for the mark...
things we have put in place to help us survive, which will start to look even more positive as the Coronatimes recede rapidly into the rearview mirror. (Note: some of these points were provided by my cancer-beating friend, who happens to be a director at a human resources startup firm....
Does he pause to think cautiously about how to proceed or consider consequences for his health? No—he eats the shit out of it. Mindlessly, at full speed. And throughout the 19th century, coal mines and oil rigs popped up everywhere. Burning this new treasure of joules made economies soar...
My grandmother has been using a computer as long as I have, but I use mine comfortably and easily because my malleable childhood brain easily wrapped itself around basic computer skills, while she has the same face on when she uses her computer that my tortoise does when I put him on top...
skills.In time the less experienced workers become highly effective experienced workers.The more layoff’s, the more jobs sent off shore, the more these companies erode the effectiveness of their service.An IT services business is worthless if it does not have the skills ...