Why Does Milk Make You Fart? When your body isn’t producing enough of the lactase enzyme in your small intestine, any lactose in the food you eat or the beverages you drink pass through to your large intestine undigested. Certain bacteria in your colon love milk sugar and will quickly go...
different things are used. And menstruation is used during what we in medicine call the reproductive years. It's been around since pretty much the beginning of time, many cultures thought that women could spoil crops or milk, or wilt flowers. And then when religion came along...
You can also find “lactose-free” milk at some grocery stores. Keep in mind that milk labeled as “lactose-free” does actually contain lactose, but it also has sufficient amounts of added lactase to help your body metabolize the milk sugar. Casein Protein Most people tolerate goat’s milk...
Some of the risks associated with carrying excess fat around your middle are a greater susceptibility to type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, as this fat tends to coat vital organs, it can cause system-wide inflammation that can trigger an array of other chronic illnesses. But accor...
“Previous studies have shown that micro plastics have been found in a number of human tissue samples — blood, lungs, breast milk, feces — which5.(believe) to come from food, water supplies, or by inhalation,” says Dr. O'Toole, an associate professor of medicine at the University of...
Why does the body have multiple methods to restrain immune response? (What could possibly go wrong?) Which of the following is not true about passive immunity? a) It is temporary. b) It can be gained by infants through breast milk. c) It is achieved through the production of antib...
The sudden excess of antibodies (typically IgE) and activation of white blood cells in producing substances such as histamines and prostaglandins can cause inflammation, rashes, itchiness and mucus production. Sometimes, allergies can cause anaphylactic shock, which may be fatal....
They haveupper respiratory allergies, which can cause inflammation of the upper respiratory system that can make a child more susceptible to cold germs or make cold symptoms more pronounced. Tips for combatting the common cold Here are a few tips for parents when it comes to helping prevent curr...
Why does colitis cause diarrhea? However during a Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis flare-up, the cells in the lining of the intestine become inflamed, meaning the intestine can't absorb all the nutrients and fluid. This results instools being loose and watery, or even entirely liquid, ...
For example, omega-3 fatty acids most commonly found in fatty fish, like salmon and sardines, are good for you. They fight off inflammation and help protect your heart.Astudy on medium-chain triglycerides(found in coconut oil) also discovered that said triglycerides can help you lose weight!