Why Volcanic Eruptions Can Spark LightningAlexandra WitzeScience News
- only $30 $5 for one year get digital access why volcanic eruptions can spark lightning it’s the ultimate love-at-first-sight story: in the middle of the desert, hundreds of miles from anything else, lonely sand grains meet up in a crowd and decide to electrify each other. sparks ...
Earthquakes, thunderstorms, lightning strikes, tornadoes, hurricanes, forest fires, and volcanic eruptions can strike anywhere at anytime killing thousands of people at a moment’s notice. And on top of all of the different natural disasters that can occur in this life, we also have to deal wi...
On Wednesday, the most powerful strike-slip earthquake ever recorded happened along the Ring of Fire. If that earthquake had happened in a major U.S. city along the west coast, the city would have been entirely destroyed. Scientists tell us that there is nearly a 100% certainty that the "...