Some of the quotations above do indeed smack of insecurity or a kind of negative reaction to what is perceived as different treatment, but different treatment DOES exist. The first person quoted who complains that the people at his bento store 'still treat him badly' doesn't...
I want you to act as a Japanese Kanji quiz machine. Each time I ask you for the next question, you are to provide one random Japanese kanji from JLPT N5 kanji list and ask for its meaning. You will generate four options, one correct, three wrong. The options will be labeled from A...
People say, “I took Japanese class for a year, and I didn’t learn squat,” or “I only learned 30 kanji all semester.” Hey, being in class for two hours a week didn’t prevent you from studying the remaining 166 hours of the week. Nobody’s stopping you from learning more ...
Does the Chinese Alphabet really exist? What’s the history of the Chinese language? What are the most common Chinese characters? We reveal all…
“I took Japanese class for a year, and I didn’t learn squat,” or “I only learned 30 kanji all semester.” Hey, being in class for two hours a week didn’t prevent you from studying the remaining 166 hours of the week. Nobody’s stopping you from learning more kanji. Don’t ...
@SpringBreezing Come to think of it, 匂 does have a weird shape... It looks like a kangaroo that is carrying its child 🤣
an 8-bit computer with only 64k of memory simply does not have the capacity to edit Japanese. As an example, the first Japanese word processor to use the modern kana-kanji text entry system was theToshiba JW-10. The JW-10 was a dedicated word processor with no other functionality. Releas...
Although the user can create objects and run action queries against them, this isn't as dangerous as executing stored procs. It does add another step to the process, but it's a security measure. Inconvenient, yes, safer, yes.You might respond, "isn't being able to DELETE and act...
A step toward globalization led to a shift from Kanji to Roman script in the 1960s. By 1982, Nintendo's current racetrack logo was in use. It's been a constant icon for the brand—only the color has changed over the intervening four decades.Wendy...
My other reason for supporting Traditional Characters is that they are the form of characters shared in common with Japanese Kanji, Korean Hanja and, to a certain extent, Vietnamese Chu-Nom. In my opinion, this is an important link binding the histories of the East Asian nations that once...