Drunk and disorderly in the drive through. Went to Panera at lunch. Got my sweater caught in the console getting out of the car but thought I could just yank it out instead of opening the console. It held for a second then suddenly let go. I already had one leg hanging out, sitting...
their Mother does it and so does her sire & maternal grand-sire. However, not one of my previous dogs (all of these dogs are the same breed, btw) ever did it, and none of their sires, dams, or litter mates, did either.
rjack October 18, 2012, 6:22 am I love these higher level philosophical articles. This is destined to be another classic MMM. “In the grand scheme of things, the way to get the maximum rate of pay for your time comes from a balance of factors.” We all have to find the right...