then run an operation using that memory, then release the memory. Forgetting to release memory is called amemory leakand can result in using up the available memory and crashing the process. The initial version of C++ made some innovations in this area, along withconstructors...
In his experience, the virtual memory system does a poor job paging data in and out of memory, and the default-network file system, AFS, is engaging in some kind of passive-aggressive torture. This programmer does, however, use the Mac frequently, no doubt enjoying the snappy performance ...
available for free on almost every single platform on earth. People who love vi have found a way to use it everywhere: there isa plug-in to get vi emulation in Eclipse,a plug-in to get vi emulation in many Mac OS X apps,a plug-in to add vi emulation to IntelliJ IDEA, even Emacs...
Instead, I have to use an associate editor. Why? If I want a separate window, I have to drag a tab out, only to get another memory eating hog version of Xcode running. If I'm on a file and create a new file, was does the new file open over the current file? What if I ...
Forte's only problem is it's a bit of a resource hog, but individual modules can be turned off to get a small speed boost, and it should be run with JDK1.4 (it allows compiles with any compiler) and plenty of free memory to get the most out of it. I use the F4J 3.0 Enterpris...
So does that help you understand, you might also want to poll what platform, mac or win, because that changes things too. When I did not use Macs at all, I was a die hard Notepad++ user and like a tweet I had seen a couple of days ago, "I used Vim for two years because I ...
I think this section explained why I think that open source and proprietary software are complementary in many use cases. But it does not make sense to add heavyweight, resource intensive and complex tooling in every scenario. Open source is not free (you still need to spend time and e...
AppCode: Lag of keeping up with Apple's changes with stable releases which forces use of EAPs in production and significant degradation of performance to the point of uselessness IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate + Kotlin: Loss of configuration for code style and degradat...
In his experience, the virtual memory system does a poor job paging data in and out of memory, and the default-network file system, AFS, is engaging in some kind of passive-aggressive torture. This programmer does, however, use the Mac frequently, no doubt enjoying the snappy performance ...