Head lice: Head lice can invade anyone’s scalp, not just school children. Poor hygiene does not necessarily result in an infestation of head lice, as it may infest clean hair too. A louse spends most of its life cycle glued to a hair strand. Shampoos containing permethrin or pyrethrin...
Robert Plant (1990):It's looking more and more like this might be the last time Plant will ever revisit the full-on bombast of his Led Zeppelin glory days. Good thing he made the most of it on witty, hooky and horny tracks like "Big Love" and "Tie Dye on the Highway." 'Charmed...
Potassium permanganate is stable as a solid at room temperature and normal light conditions, but it is less stable as a liquid. So it is best to make up solutions in small batches that will be used up quickly, so in the above example, you are likely best using 100 mg potassium permangan...