carbon 有一个formate 系graphite 佢用左3粒slectron 去form covalent bond with other carbon 由于系3个bond 佢成为左一个plane 最后个粒electron 就系plane 同plane之间自由游离 由于lee 粒electron 系free electron 所以it conduct electricity
The Flow of Electricity Electric Current Electric Circuits Electric Power The Nature of Magnets Earth as a Magnet Magnetism in Action Magnetism from Electricity Electricity from Magnetism How do Transformers Work? Ohms Law Lab Magnetic Forces Lab Why Metals Conduct Electricity How does a Battery Work ...
What is the best explanation for why graphite is slippery whereas diamond is not? a. Because electrons in graphite are delocalized, but the electrons in diamond are not. b. Because the bonding in graphite and diamond is different. Why does steel not react with ...
Why does graphite conduct electricity but diamond does not, yet they are made up of carbon? In terms of structure, explain why a water solution of salt conducts electricity but a water solution of sugar does not. Why is water a poor conductor of electricity? Explain why chemical compounds te...
Pure water does not conduct electricity because it : View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CBSE, UP Board, Bihar Board,...
To explain why ionic solids conduct electricity in the molten state but not in the solid state, we can break down the reasoning into several steps:1. Understanding Ionic Solids: Ionic solids are composed of positively and n
Diamond and graphite are two well-known allotropes of carbon, each with distinct physical and chemical properties. However, despite these differences, there are notable similarities between the two structures. This article explores the commonalities, shedding light… ...
This gap is small enough that at room temperature, some electrons can acquire enough energy to jump from the valence band to the conduction band, creating a flow of charge and allowing the material to conduct electricity. On the other hand, in conductors, the valence and conduction bands ...
How does a magnetic field affect a current-carrying wire? Why are convection currents important? Why do scientists study ocean currents? Why are partial charges in covalent molecules important? Why do tightrope walkers carry a long narrow beam? Why are electrodes often made...
Why does the molten sodium chloride conduct electricity, but the solid form of sodium chloride does not? In terms of structure, explain why salt has a higher melting point than sugar. Explain why graphite has a lower melting point than diamond even though both are carbon compounds. ...