Though God is totally sovereign in the ways that He works and operates on this earth, and though He can sovereignly choose to protect us from time to time from some of the bad and evil things that can come our way – we have to realize that God cannot stop every single, little, bad...
Wow. A stunning talk given by Pastor Alan Cullen of Trinity Church in Lansing, Michigan, as part of Trinity’sUnbelievableseries. Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? A humbling answer indeed. Thank you to my wife for reminding me to go back and watch this one. Amazing!
How does God feel about children? Is it really His desire that they suffer? God encouraged Adam and Eve, the first human beings, to “be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth” (Genesis 1:28). In other words, He wanted many, many children to be born, to eventually populate and fill...
How could a loving, powerful God allow so much tragedy, pain and agony, so many fatal diseases and deadly accidents? Why does God allow suffering to continue?
Now they're going to learn it's time to fear the son of God. Phil Karakis is Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter. Yeah. I am assuming that you're all in some state of stun after seeing that. So let me give you a real quick recap of what you saw. You saw Jesus riding a Vespa. ...
Theodicy means God’s Justice. And the question is how can a just God allow the existence of physical and moral evil? If God is truly Sovereign and not even a sparrow can fall to the ground without his knowledge and consent, why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?
“Come now, and let us reason together” is the Creator’s invitation to the beings He has made. (Isaiah 1:18) God does not force the will of His creatures. He cannot accept an homage that is not willingly and intelligently given. A mere forced submission would prevent all real ...
“Some would ask, how could a perfect God create a universe filled with so much that is evil. They have missed a greater conundrum: why would a perfect God create a universe at all?” –Sister Miriam Godwinson God answers prayers. So does a milk jug. The only thing worse than sitting...
One of our most ancient stories, this is the plot where a hero is confronted by an evil larger than herself. ThinkBeowulf. OrDavid and Goliath. To defeat this evil or overcome fear, the protagonist requires more courage and strength than we might expect them to have. In business, these ...
I'm not saying white people aren't evil either cuz I know where you I got they Deva let me go I guess I can feel it that's why I try to suppress it I tried to dress casual you know I mean I'm serious man I tried a suit on the other day I felt it coming up like fuck ...