I’ve never once got sick after going vegan. And I rarely got sick before going vegan. What does it matter anyway? Reply Twitch says: at 10:24 am Okay, as soon as I read, “Plants have feelings, too.” I was done. That pretty much destroyed any credibility you might have had....
It doesn’t really matter if it’s fat, carbs, gluten, fruit, cooked food, grains or something else or a combination of these things. The problem is that digestion is like a muscle. When your legs are weak compared to your arms, you don’t stop training them all together. On the ...
why do you laugh why do you look so sa why do you want to ma why does alcohol affe why dont they stay yo why dont i show you t why dont you look aro why dont you tell me why dont we just stra why draw geometry why has apis fled you why has tourism becom why i scramble egg...
So, one of the solutions, really, is to look at your diet and to eat what we might call as cleanly as possible, as fresh as possible, and avoiding foods that are processed or that had pesticides, and those sorts of things. So, that's one thing, which actually does two things becaus...
According to Dr. Fasano, a pediatric gastroenterologist and researcher, gluten sensitivity potentially affects far more people than celiac disease. He estimates about 6% to 7% of the U.S. population may be gluten-sensitive, meaning some 20 million people in the United States alone could have the...
GLUTEN-FREE CAN BE CONFUSING BUT IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE HARD! I’m thrilled to share a FREE gluten-free cheat sheet mini eBook to help get you started! This is perfect if you’ve just been told you need a GF diet, if you have a friend or family member eating GF and you’d lik...
Why Do Hazy IPAs Make Me Sick? This could either be related to a beer allergy or intolerance you have towards specific ingredients. If the side effects are nausea, vomiting, and other serious symptoms, it’s a clear sign you need a checkup. ...
I’m not sure if my sister-in-law will let me test out this theory on her son, but if she does, I’ll let you know how it goes! What is Natural Yeast? So what exactly makes up natural yeast? I’ll let Melissa explain…
However, Kelloggs just produced a new Rice Krispies, labelled “gluten free” and “sugar smart.” Aside from having way too high a concentration of some vitamins and minerals, it contains BHT *within* the cereal itself. Apparently this is added to preserve the (synthetic) vitamins. Erewhon ...
one when I moved in with my husband – he does the cooking and to make it easier I started eating meat so he didn’t have to cook two meals. Then when I was off sick I started researching different veggie recipes and watched several documentaries and now my husband eats 90% vegan too...