Interestingly, many people, particularly ADD and ADHD sufferers, report that fidgeting helps them concentrate and focus. This may be because it helps relieve the restless energy within them, which is so distracting. However, it does make me wonder: if the underlying cause behind the restlessness...
Assume the autistic child has to devote twice as much EF (40 units) to self-discipline. Not only does s/he have to do all of the things the typical child is doing (staying seated, paying attention, not talking to classmates), s/he has to inhibit the natural urge to stim....
When you actually fix what’s broken, heal what feels bad, address what’s bothering you, and train your mind to work well, then it does. Silence isn’t painful anymore, because it’s just silence, rather than an absence of something to cover thoughts/feelings that you don’t want to ...