Why does the vampire die in Angela Carter's 'The Bloody Chamber'? Why was Emily Dickinson fascinated with death? Why did Emily Dickinson write about death? Why did Hecate chastise the three witches in Macbeth? In Macbeth, why does Shakespeare open the play by showing the witches?
Can you personify a person? To personify is to give something lifeless human-like qualities — like when Emily Dickinson wrote, "Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me..." ...A person can also personify a value or emotion, as when the founder of a charitable orga...
"We're all going to die -- and poems can help us live with that." In a charming and funny talk, literary critic Stephen Burt takes us on a lyrical journey with some of his favorite poets, all the way down to a line break and back up to the human urge to
It's about the Garden of Eden and the Fall and the Biblical story of the Fall, in which sex as we know it and death and guilt come into the world at the same time. It's also about how appearances deceive, how our culture can sweep us along into doing and saying things we didn't...
Why was Emily Dickinson so miserable? Why did Truman Capote write "Miriam"? Why was Susanna in the hospital in Girl, Interrupted? In All My Sons, why is Kate so upset about Keller's jail games with Bert? Why did Sandy murder Sam in ''The Westing Game''? Why does Miss ...
places that move us most deeply are often the ones we recognize like long-lost friends; we come to them with a piercing sense of familiarity, as if returning to some source we already know. “Some keep the Sabbath going to Church—” Emily Dickinson wrote. “I keep it, staying at Home...
3.)In your novellaThe Clouds in Memphis,I felt that the mother’s grief was shown in her hurried, furious courtroom questions. For me, this revealed one of the themes in your writing: how the source of our grief is actually fear of the unknown. We can ask (as Janie does), “…huh...
Emily Dickinson Mozart Elvis Presley George Bernard Shaw Vincent Van Gogh Tennessee Williams Virginia Woolf Wright Brothers Frank Lloyd Wright ADHD has been linked to a genetic variant called DRD4-7R, also known as the Rock Star Gene, too. ...
Apr 2013 TED@Intel Jennifer Healey: If cars could talk, accidents might be avoidable 09:00Apr 2013 TED2013 Erik Brynjolfsson: The key to growth? Race with the machines 11:56Apr 2013 TED2013 Robert Gordon: The death of innovation, the end of growth 12:14Apr 2013 TED2013 John McWhorter:...
Why was Emily Dickinson fascinated with death? Why was Emily Dickinson so miserable? Why is Ophelia frightened by Hamlet? Why was Mercutio's Queen Mab speech directed at Romeo? Why could Antigone not resolve her problems with Creon? In Of...