On Thanksgiving, you can count on two things: Turkey and football. And every year, a team that's virtually guaranteed to take the field is the Dallas Cowboys, who played their first Thanksgiving Day game in 1966. The Detroit Lions were the first team to play on the holiday, hosting the...
Dallas has played on Thanksgiving every year since 1966, with the exceptions of 1975 and 1977, when the St. Louis Cardinals took their place. When was the first Cowboys-Lions Thanksgiving game? The teams have actually never faced off against each other on Thanksgiving Day. They are bo...
Granted, Del Rio and defensive backs coach Brent Vieselmeyer were fired after a 45-10 Thanksgiving Day loss to theDallas Cowboys, so it's not as though they got a particularly favorable matchup to try to save their jobs. Dallas is 5-0 at home, with quarterback Dak Prescott and rec...
We see what Mother's Day is like for the Disney characters, a talented Jewish boy raps about gelt, a young Pilgrim man has a special surprise for his family on the first Thanksgiving, and Santa has a little trouble with his neighbor up at the North Pole. ...
The Lady of the Lake gives Percival some trouble. The Robot Chicken crew shows what Dumbledore sees in the Mirror of Desire. Professor X reveals how the X-Men first discovered their powers. And Garfield gets buried in the pet cemetery.
Tyrion_Baelish_Varys[M]:Or it could mean that even Nazi sympathizers took vacations, and we're not far from Thanksgiving. It's frankly outlandish to suggest that all of these twitter handles, some run by employees, would concurrently "go on vacation" a whole week before Thanksgiving, while...
Dallas has played on Thanksgiving every year since 1966, with the exceptions of 1975 and 1977, when the St. Louis Cardinals took their place. When was the first Cowboys-Lions Thanksgiving game? The teams have actually never faced off against each other on Thanksgiving Day. They are both re...