Initially, Bitcoin mining was decentralized. As the cryptocurrency gained popularity and market value, mining became more centralized because the design of the blockchain was to increase difficulty as more participants joined. This backfired because participation is measured by hashrate, which increases a...
NVIDIA started making GPUs that were more power efficient just for mining. That’s how much these companies wanted a piece. They also started sponsoring YouTubers. Just like YouTubers that review GPUs for gaming there started to be YouTubers who covered crypto mining that started to be sent...
As you can see, there are plenty of reasons for which your GPU might be having issues while playing games on a Windows PC, and while most of them will be covered in this guide, if your GPU is not powerful enough to run the game, then there are only a couple of options available fo...
Mining malware aimed at cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum can also overheat your devices, because crypto-mining uses extensive resources. One of the easiest (and most nefarious) ways of mining is cryptojacking, where a hacker takes over a system’s processing power and uses it to mine ...
The last two generations have been marked by distinctly high GPU prices as crypto soars, and there’s no reason to think this generation will be any different. The good news is that, although we may see higher prices as next-gen GPUs start to roll out, we probably won’t find ourselves...
Hard forks may be initiated by developers as part of routine progress or maintenance on a blockchain. They may also be created by a faction of the crypto community that wants to take a different direction with the blockchain. Key Takeaways ...
The GPU shortage continues There was a massive crypto boom starting around December 2020, when the price of Bitcoin and Ehereum jumped dramatically. This led crypto miners to quickly snap up graphics cards,accounting for 25%of all GPU sales. Unfortunately, this has contributed to thecurrent GPU...
It is a great hustle to build a mining setup in the real world, which burns up your budget entirely. Here comes RollerCoin to fulfill your mining dream, as you don’t have to worry about investment. Furthermore, RollerCoin now allows you to mine different cryptos, including Bitcoin, Doge...
ve inadvertently downloaded cryptojacking malware, head to Task Manager (Windows) or Activity Monitor (Mac) and see what’s making demands on your processor. “Whether it’s a virus or browser-based cryptomining, you’ll be able to see if something is using your processor for its own needs...
Due to my work, I usually have a lot of different GPU's on hand. In the past, I usually just kept them safely aside, but recently I have begun using them on a different machine for some crypto mining. I notice boot up times seem relatively normal, until I ...