The author talks about state of refugees in Canada, who were generally considered moocher by public but did not fully agree with this. He supported his views by referring Canadian Professor, Morton Beiser's study of their integration into Canadian society. The author cited the example of Germany...
Josh has since moved on to building a chatbot in Facebook Messenger to automate the application for asylum in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom on behalf of refugees.There are many jobs—like protesting unfair parking tickets—that don’t get done because they are too ...
Guo and Guo (2016), for instance, demonstrate that contemporary immigration policies in Canada have primarily focused on economic integration, with an emphasis on the state’s economic interests. However, this policy focus raises an important question: are immigrants truly capable of achieving ...
“Why would anyone take advice from a Minister who broke Passports Canada, or an Immigration Minister who broke immigration, or a Housing Minister who broke housing, or Transport Minister that broke our airports, or a Finance Minister who broke the banks of Canadians, or a Prime Minister who ...
Why do Christian MAGA people support Trump? It’s not like he’s following Jesus teachings or anything. Is the right answer that they’re simply dumb? Btw, if you want to piss off a Trump support in your life, get him a present:Trump pen holder. It’s both practical and hilarious. ...
Cecilia's quote reveals many critical issues, including a lack of clarity on the investigation and reporting of ACEs that started before resettlement, and whether refugee children should be considered differently from non-refugees. Cecilia indicated the limited implementation strategies of child protection...
When the factory was bombed and completely destroyed in 2012 in the Syrian Civil War, the family left Syria and became refugees in Lebanon. The son, Tareq Hadhad, gets admitted to Canada. Hoping to land in Toronto, he instead ends up in the town of Antigonish, Nova Scotia. His father ...
This is a bit misleading: yes, we turned away the Jews (howcouldwe have done that?), as did Canada, but all of them eventually found refuge in England, Belgium, and the Netherlands. It was the refugees to the latter two countries who were rounded up by the Nazis and later killed. ...
Contractor argues that the coronavirus outbreak only had temporary effects on the global economy, and that post COVID-19 globalization will resume. We posi
Why does "(smart) devolution" matter? from the "right to the city" to the "right to decide" This section discusses the need to consider devolution as a constitutive element of the politics of the urban age in Western nation-states. We present the hypothesis that the "right to decide" ...