Tens of thousands of years ago, forests that would once burn and regrow and eventually burn again, returning the nutrients locked in trees to the soil, were burned for the last time; early humans used fire liberally to permanently clear the forests, creating wide grasslands in which to hunt....
Bleach –Sodium Hypochlorite (household bleach) Chemical precursor to chlorine which is extremely toxic. Bleach has harmful side effects that have been known for decades. Bleach is a leading cause of poisoning in the home. It is an irritant to the eyes, nose, skin, and throat. Skin contact ...
there are no whites, where it does not matter.’ Malcolm X disagreed (‘As a black man, and proud of being a black man, I can’t conceive of myself as having any desire whatsoever to lose my identity’), but one year later he too would disavow racial ...
What are your thoughts? Do you already avoid BHT and BHA? Or do you think it is not worth worrying about? Categories Blog, Environment, Sustainable Eco-Friendly Alternatives To Bleach Greenwash Of The Week: The Body Shop Business Ethics. 270 thoughts on “What Is BHT? Is It Really That...
Reading into Mark's blog, it'sobvious that being on the web didn't feed his spirit.It does leave one to wonder, when you pass on, will you bemirroredor just410 Gone? Gone The requested resource / is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address. Please re...