ChinaAustraliaAfrica—Wherearepandasfrom?—They’refromChina.SouthAfrica南非India印度A:Whereare…from?B:They’refrom Listenandwritetheanimalsyouhear.Drawalinefromtheanimalstothedescriptionwordsandthecountriestheyarefrom.2a. AnimalsDescriptionwordsCountries1.___reallyscaryAustralia2.___kindofinterestingSouthAfric...
Pre-listeningReadthechart.AnimalsDescriptionwordsCountries1.___reallyscaryAustralia2.___kindofinterestingSouthAfrica3.___verycuteChina/??stre?li?/n.澳大利亚south/sa?θ/adj.南方的n.南;南方Africa/??fr?k?/n.非洲SouthAfrica南非Whichcountryareyourfavoriteanimalsfrom?Doyouknow? While-listeningListen...
sleeps and friend don't years animal scary lots come Australia Welcome to our zoo. Here, you can see different kinds of. First you can see a tiger from Jilin. be afraid of it. It's not. Next, you can see an elephant from South Africa. It's very. what's that in the tree? Oh...
Unit5 Whydoyoulikepandas?第一课时(SectionA1a~1c)一、根据句意以及图片提示写单词。(5×3分=15分)1 2 3 4 5 1.Thecute___pandacomesfromChina.elephantismyfavoriteanimal.2.The___giraffeinthepicture.3.Icanseea___4.The___doesn'tlookscary(吓人的).lion tigersinthezoo?5.Doyousee___二...
- Because they arescary. 重难点2 sleepy/sleep/go to bed辨析 1.Paul didn'twell last night and now he feels very. A. sleep; sleepyB. sleepy; sleepC. sleep;sleepD. sleepy; sleepy 2.在周末我的弟弟可以睡一整天。 My bro...
根据名词“animals”可知第一空用“kinds of”表示“不同种类的动物”。根据形容词“scary”可知第二空用副词短语“kind of”表示“有点吓人的”。故选A。2、You can make ___ these old people and they can tell you stories.A.friends toB.friends withC.friendly toD.friendly with 答案:B 句意:...
scary adj. 吓人的;恐怖的 kind n. 种类 kind of 稍微;有点儿 Australia n. 澳大利亚 south adj. 南方的 n. 南;南方 Africa n.非洲 South Africa 南非 pet n. 宠物 leg n. 腿 cat n. 猫 sleep n. 睡觉 friendly adj...
原创力文档创建于2008年,本站为文档C2C交易模式,即用户上传的文档直接分享给其他用户(可下载、阅读),本站只是中间服务平台,本站所有文档下载所得的收益归上传人所有。原创力文档是网络服务平台方,若您的权利被侵害,请发链接和相关诉求至 电话:400-050-0827(电话支持时间:9:00-18:30) ...
15.Australia:名词,“澳大利亚”,例如:He went to Australia last year.(他去年去了澳大利亚。) 16.south 1.作名词时,意为 “南;南方”,如:The south of the country is very warm.(这个国家的南部非常温暖。) 2.作形容词时,意思是 “南方的;南部的”,例如:There are many palm trees in the south ar...
1) 能掌握以下单词:tiger, elephant, panda, lion, koala, giraffe, cute, lazy, smart, beautiful, scary, kind, kind of, Australia, south, Africa, South Africa, pet, leg, cat, sleep 2) 能掌握以下句型: ① What animal...