The increasing number of people getting diagnosed with diabetes is a sum of people Who have been newly affected with diabetes, especially the young ones due to unhealthy lifestyle. Who have been living with diabetes but have been diagnosed with it after the availability of newer tests and an i...
with variable success. Examples include infertility, lack of libido or erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis, penile enlargement, height growth,bone marrowstimulation and reversal of anemia, and even appetite stimulation.
Does this assumption sound plausible to you? To make a crude analogy, this is like saying that your income and your spending are independent of each other. And this false assumption is critical for the calorie theory. The prolonged decrease in ingested calories inevitably leads to a decrease in...
Consider your age,which may increase sensitivity to certain side effects. Children, for example, may be more sensitive to certain effects like loss of appetite and weight loss, while older adults may be more sensitive to hyponatremia, loss of coordination, or bleeding. Understand all of the drug...
How consuming one ounce of coconut oil a day helped a group of womendecrease BMI (body mass index) and waist circumference! And so much more! Feeling run down all the time? Here’s great news… Coconut OilBoosts Your Thyroid! Over 13 million Americans suffer from low thyroid function with...
and its duration changes as the night wears on. While the first N2 stage may last somewhere around 25 minutes, subsequent N2 stages are longer. (35) DuringN2 sleep, our heart rate and body temperature decrease, our blood pressure drops, and breathing becomes smoother and less erratic. (36)...
As we age, our metabolism slows down. It can start as early as 25 years old and decrease anywhere from 2% to 4% each year. This is because muscle mass decreases. Always remember that muscle = metabolism. That’s why you hear about body builders that have to eat lots of food to keep...
What Does Cat Hissing Sound Like?View 2 More + You may think hissing in cats is a sign of hostility or animosity, but it’s actually a normal way for cats to express fear. Cats hiss at each other and at people when they feel threatened. While hissing is a normal part of cat behavio...
spurt, your baby may appear to be hungrier than usual. If breastfeeding, he may demand nursing more often. If bottle-feeding, he might drain the bottle and want a little more. On the flip side, during a growth plateau,your baby's appetite will reduce and his milk volumes decrease. ...
Why does energy decrease up the trophic levels? Why, when you choke on food, do your eyes water? Why does a starchy food like bread become hard when it dries out? Why are the effects of steroid and thyroid hormones slower in action and lengthier in duration than other types of ho...