How does your poop stack up? Make sure you take a moment to check it out next time you go! If your toilet habits need a little upgrading, try these smoothie recipes that help promote good poops. —Liivi Hess Liivi is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and is training to become a do...
Hollow things often float too as air is less dense than water. This is partly why huge heavy ships float. Another thing to consider is the shape of an object. Generally the more of the outside of an object that is touching the water the more buoyant it is. Water pushes back up agains...
} DateAndTime_Compressed;typedefstruct{floatlatitude;floatlongitude; } GNSS_Coordinates;typedefstruct{GNSS_Coordinates coordinates;floathorizontal_precision;floataltitude;floatcourse_over_ground;floatspeed_over_ground_mps;// m/sDateAndTime_Compressed utc_time;uint8_tfix_type;uint8_tnum...
In your case it is not only easier but would be the only option since they will all have the same name in the Hierarchy. So if you rather want toFindan object below your own hierarchy you would want to useTransform.Findinstead
Here: It is a problem if I want to keep my computations within the input dtype (say, bfloat16).
Why does a conversion error occur when I am expecting a flag argument to be a float?Some flags, for example, the -alpha flag of the polyColorPerVertex command, may return a float array instead of a float. Therefore, if you query the flag argument as follows: float $a = `polyColorPer...
INDEX(many_in_a_row, 1)(1)returns{\"b\";\"b\";\"b\";\"b\"}, not because the other columns of BYCOL were evaluated (they weren't), but rather because anarray objectis being passed to theindex_numargument of the underlying CHOOSE function on which themanyfunction was ...
The screenshot below shows the VBE project explorer before and after "cleanup." In the After screenshot, Sheet2 does not have any code. I had to create Sheet2 because a Workbook needs at least one worksheet. Attribute VB_Name="Mod_Vba"' DESCRIPTION ...
with /fp:precise (-fp-model precise) or #pragma float_control(precise, on). Value-safety is already implied by /fp:strict (-fp-model strict). Note that enabling precise FP exceptions does not unmask FP exceptions. That must be done separately, e.g. with a function call, or (for ...
Since it doesn't make much sense to XOR with doubles, why don't you simply take advantage of the polymorphic behavior of the language and define an operator for the ^ that does a Math.Pow when the operands are doubles? public static double operator ^( double power ) { return Math.Pow...