Why are childhood cancers more likely to have a hereditary predisposition than adult-onset cancers? Plant seeds soaked in water swell and become several times as large as before soaking. Why does this happen? Why are most plants green?
Does the black hole have a life span or does it never die? Explain. Do black holes really exist as described by relativity? If dark matter is matter, why is it not affected by gravity? Hypothetically, what would happen if a black hole collided with a white hole?
and pumpkin-spice lattes. While he doesn't shy away from examining the depressing side of surviving the holiday season as an aging 20-, 30-, 40-something, Murphy does at least give a glimmer of hope to grab onto, transient and fleeting though it may be, as he refrains, "But I'...
We show that with a choice of the spatial curvature function that is guided by current observations, the models fit the supernova data almost as well as the LCDM model without requiring a dark energy component. In this paper, we present a first analysis of apparent acceleration using the ...
Most scientists speculate that a shock wave from a supernova went through a cloud of cold hydrogen, forming a solar nebula. The momentum caused the nebula to spin into a planetary disk. When the solar system was being formed, it is likely that collisions of these clouds contributed to the ...
What would happen if the Hadron Collider exploded? The resultingearthquake would be severe over a wide area, and the dust and debris thrown up by this event would gradually encircle the Earth, possibly even triggering a kind of “nuclear winter” sufficient to cool the temperature of the planet...
The 1976 addition of Tommy Shaw after original guitarist John Curulewski’s sudden departure changed everything for Styx – even though 'Crystal Ball' could climb no higher than No. 66 on the charts. The subsequent ‘Grand Illusion’ then went supernova, leaving this admittedly transitional albu...
Could the bright flares seen in August 2014 have been caused by a gas cloud that passed too close to the black hole, and become an unsuspecting snack? And if that is the case, what does it tell scientists about what exactly happens to material that falls into a black hole? Alternatively...
It was more work-ethic differences — like I said, who shows up early, who shows up late, who does this, that, and the other. All of those differences become much starker when you lose a member. We just had to negotiate that and reestablish the fact that we were friends, and we ...
Nearby stars could go supernova, their energy destroying the ozone layer and sterilizing the Earth with radiation. And a supervolcano could shroud the Earth in dust. These are just a few (out of billions) of things that could go wrong. The story of evolution reads just like “The Story ...