Simone: I know, I know, it's just... He's my husband. He puts up with my extravagance and my nonsense. He tells me I'm beautiful when I need to hear it the most and... he makes me laugh in a way that no one else can. One day,I will divorce Karl, but I will never hat...
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“A lot of the women that we spoke to don’t want out of their marriage,” Piazza says. “They love their husband, they love the partnership that they have. It’s so cheesy, but they just wantedmore.”
Tessa started cheating on her husband when she realized how vanilla and boring their sex life was. It was a final straw when her husband refused to go down on her.
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Most women take the approach of letting their husbands know how disappointed they are. This can take the form of nagging, pouting, complaining or even open hostility. Unfortunately, this approach not only doesn’t help the husband improve, it can lead him to seek out someone who does appear...
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RELATED: 10 Surprising Traits Men Who Cheat Have in Common "My husband was abusive." "From the day I married my husband, I knew it was a mistake," says 50-year-old Elizabeth Smith.* "He was abusive, controlling and expected me to quit my job to make a home for him." A little ...