The algorithm does not have to find absolute truth; it has to find a reasonable doubt, just like a human jury. This is especially true if the penalty is simply not being promoted. There is no free speech obligation for platforms to proactively promote any particular content. Fake ne...
Any success he has with free distribution is impossible to gauge as it does not exist in a vacuum. He built his success on a copyright laden brick and mortar system. His success proves only that those who are supported by the copyright system can be successful. But we already know this....
your and my opinion is that we are an environmental firm who fights the US EPA, so we have DC connections too, and money, so while you can attempt to personally insult me, I can walk inside the beltway with a wad of cash and lobby to make sure anything the EFF does is stricken ...
Of course, we knowexactlywhy it’s happening – that’s what one must do in order to rise to the top of the jewish leadership hierarchy. It makes one wonder: Just what kind of explosive material does the Mossad possess that can potentially put Tucker into big trouble if he doesn’t...
How can she be good when she is so pro-war, pro Wall St, pro trade deals? A president for the 1%. I think you will be shocked when you find out how BAD she will be. War after war as Sec of State and learned nothing. Trump has much better positions on issues than she...
This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person. Could that be evide...
And if you do not really exist in the eyes of the government, and are not automatically considered a citizen in having been born there, what right does the government have to come and claim you later, as India and the Unique Identification Authority of India (the government agency that is...