Many people in the U.S. often ask: “why soccer is so boring? Some time they can’t even score!” In my person opinion‚ I do not think soccer is boring; in fact‚ it is really fun to play‚ soccer or football as it is known throughout the world‚ is the most popular ...
depression, and suicide. Without opportunities to learn how to control their own activities and solve their own problems, people develop a sense of helplessness, which is almost the definition of anxiety, and of hopelessness, which is almost the definition of depression...
Young peopleStudentsWorking young adultsActive transportationMotorized transportationTravel choiceTo promote active transport, transport choices in young adults were explored.Working and studying young adults participated in 6 focus group discussions.Owning a private car is an important barrier to active ...
As we get older, it’s common to feel like time is passing more quickly. Weeks, months and years seem to fly by faster than they did when we were children. This phenomenon is so widely experienced that it has a name –“time acceleration”. So why does time appear to speed up as w...
There’s the basic thing that’s the conflict between globalization and localization. I don’t think we do a very good job of doing that, so I would go with global language on some higher level. But still keeping the local language for everybody, because sensibilities of the people—you ...
Whether they only played music in high school or continue to play it today, a lot of successful people have gone through the process of learning to play an instrument. If you’ve ever heard about “the Mozart effect”, you might not be surprised that listening to music leads to higher br...
Stable housing is a common concern for young people too. Are these the kinds of things that weigh on their minds? I think what’s really important for emotional well-being is to know that your future is secure, to achieve the luxury of not worrying about your future. When you’re...
Why do we write? Nonfiction and fiction writing has been an instrumental way for people to connect to one another in the real world. Stories are about change, and by reading and watching them we, ourselves, can change for the better. But do people write for different reasons, and are ...
RUBIO: I’ll say, “Okay, do you know anything about football? You know the guy that kicks the ball or punts the ball?” And they’ll go, “Yeah, yeah, I know that guy — the kicker, the punter.”“I teach the guys who snap the ball to those people. So you probably don...
If your brand is all about providing resources or expertise in a particular field like teaching people how to become great marketers, for instance giving your prospects a taste of what’s to come in the form of a video presentation is an excellent way to do it. Here is an example of ...