Paulus M: How and why do infants imitate? An ideomotor approach to social and imitative learning in infancy (and beyond). Psychon Bull Rev 2014, 21:1139-1156.Paulus, M. (2014), How and why do children imitate? An ideomotor approach to social and imitative learning in infancy (and beyond...
Ofcourse,thatstudyonlyincludedthree-andfour-year-olds.Butadditionalresearchhasshownthatolderchildrenandadultsareevenmorelikelytomindlesslycopyothers'actions,andinfantsarelesslikelytoover-imitate—thatis,topreciselycopyevenimpracticalactions. Bycontrast,chimpanzeesinthestudyonlyover-imitatedintheopaquecondition.Inthetr...
So they try to imitate whatever the elders and other adults do -in look, dress and even styles.Apart from this, infants and some small children feel some security with the parents and they see or visualise the parents in the things used by parents. For example a small chi...
thatolderchildrenandadultsareevenmorelikelytomindlessly copy others'actions, and infants are less likelytoover-imitate—thatis,topreciselycopyevenimpractical actions.By contrast, chimpanzees in the study only over-imitated in the opaque condition. In the transparentcondition-where theysawthat thestickwas ...