How does biodiversity relate to the health of an ecosystem? Why do wetlands have a high level of biodiversity? How does population affect biodiversity? How does evolution affect biodiversity? Why do microhabitats encourage biodiversity? Why are amphibians important to the ecosystem?
Why do wetlands have a high level of biodiversity? How does arable farming cause flooding? Why are legumes an important part of crop rotation? How does subsistence farming influence agricultural production? Why is loess soil usually fertile?
Whether they are inland, coastal or human-made wetlands, not only are they very important habitats for biodiversity, but also, they are rich in biodiversity:40% of the world’s plant and animal species live or breed in wetlands, whereasover 100,000 freshwater species can be found in wetlands...
Did you know that biodiversity also regulates our climate? Forests, wetlands, and other conserved habitats help to regulate greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and reduce the impact of floods and droughts. What can I do to help? Help scientists track changes in the environment by contributing to...
So, if wetlands are still wetlands when they're dry, how do you spot one? And what do we need to know about these unique places to protect their wonderful and unique biodiversity? When the rains come Floods are vital for a wetland. As one fills, water depth can increase rapidly, the ...
Wild beavers are called keystone species because of their importance for biodiversity. Their impact on the environment brings benefits for a whole range of other species. The wetlands they create are homes for many frogs, fish and invertebrates, and these animals provide food for birds and bats....
Discover the ecological importance of the Dongzhai Wetlands, a national nature reserve in Hainan. Home to diverse mangrove forests, migratory birds, and marine life, this sanctuary plays a crucial role in biodiversity preservation and climate change mitigation … Nature, Wildlife & the Envi...
What happens to the net primary productivity and to the species diversity when humans disrupt wetlands by adding more nutrients, as in the example of agriculture in the Everglades? What is an invasive or alien species, and why do ...
Why do wetlands have a high level of biodiversity? Why are aquatic ecosystems important? What are some reasons for protecting amphibians? Why are aquatic biome characteristics important? How are wetlands important for biodiversity? Why are benthic zones important?
Answer to: Why do extensive wetlands exist in the high Arctic, even though annual precipitation is similar to that in many temperate or tropical...