The Lord then reveals what the Israelites are to do with the slain lambs and why they are to do it. Each head of a household is to take the blood of the lamb and put it on the doorposts and lintel of his house. God explains that the blood will be a sign. When He sees the bloo...
A declaration of thee power of Gods worde, concerning the holy supper of the Lord, confutynge all lyers and fals teachers, whych mayntayne theyr maskynge masse inuented agaynst the woorde of God, and the Kynges Maiesties most godl...
3.) Jesus did say one thing about the Lord’s supper that is very clear, He tells his disciples to do this in remembrance of Him. (Luke 22:19) Scripture directly and explicitly supports the fact that it is a “memorial” and upon its celebration the body of C...