And after most of those minutes, we feel a sense of serene relief, as if life suddenly has fewer burdens. Why do we feel so good after pooping? As much as it isnecessaryfor us to poop, we can’t deny that we also enjoy doing so on a certain level. Pooping is satisfying (Photo C...
Another big aspect is that we are talking about a process that involves another person’s body. Your child needs to be part of this process and be onboard with it. Potty training is a partnership and should not feel like a tug of war. Run away from the potty training methods that enco...
But maybe dogs are like us,and use strong smells for two reasons, the same way in which we use perfume. Perfume or aftershave is used not just to make us more attractive to others, but also because we like the smell too. It seems to make us feel good. Perhaps dogs are using strong...