and not the stance that racial categories are biologically ‘real.’) Realism means abandoning not just incremental change and engagement with the system, but also liberation in general, for the understanding that ‘black people will never gain full equality in this ...
but it goes a little bit deeper than that. It turns out that we're biologically hardwired to project intent and life onto any movement in our physical space that seems autonomous to us. So people will treat all sorts of robots like they're alive. These bomb-disposal...
"The aversion to that word [choice] in our community stems from belief that if we can't prove that our gayness is biologically determined, then we won't have grounds to demand equality," said Ambrosino. "I think this fear needs to b...
Responding to your crying baby is biologically correct. A mother is biologically programmed to give a nurturing response to her newborn’s cries and not to restrain herself. Fascinating biological changes take place in a mother’s body in response to her infant’s cry. Upon hearing her baby c...
Why Do Girls Cut Themselves? New Haven Team November 29, 2022 Home-Blog-Cutting & Self-harm-Why Do Girls Cut Themselves? We’Re Here To Help you By, Dustin Tibbits, LMFT As a parent, discovering that your teenage daughter is cutting herself can be heartbreaking and overwhelming. It’s ...
打个比方就好比每天晚上你的电脑或者手机要进入维护模式,进行磁盘碎片整理(memory 的转移和索引),安装固件更新漏洞补丁(增强免疫系统功能)之类的,喝醉昏睡过去大概就等价于强行拔掉电源——虽然两种情况电脑都黑屏了,但是第二天重启的时候立刻就会知道区别很大。而熬夜晚睡则相当于长期运行内存效率低下、没有补丁的“裸奔...
Typically, we think of fear as an emotion based on irrational thoughts in reaction to a situation. However, fear can be a biologically conditioned response. For instance, when Little Albert was startled by the loud noise, the stress hormone cortisol was released by his system. Similarly, my ...
but since we’ve never been able to get everyone vaccinated that’s a pipe dream. Corporations have always been content to let people die in the tens of thousands as long as the wheels of the machine kept turning and only now that the wheels are coming off do they start to point finger...
Many Japanese people don’t have the opportunity to communicate with foreigners, so when they do, they tend to change their attitude a bit. Foreigners react in different ways to this — some feel they are being treated special, while others are uncomfortable. So says the w...
whereas DST essentially puts us in another time zone without changing the day-night cycle. The misalignment asks the circadian clock to change our physiological rhythms and do things at times that are not biologically in step. As a result, many people suffer when we change ...