Why is the current the same, but the voltage different across resistors in series? How do you determine the resistance of a galvanometer? How would you measure the resistance of an electrical device, such as a lamp, by the voltmeter-ammeter method?
Why is the current the same in the resistor and the thermistor in a series circuit? Why ammeter's reading decreases as the capacitor charges up? Why are parallel circuits commonly used to wire houses, instead of series circuits? Speculate on the physical causes of: (a) ...
In the related article series we explain how adjusting the heat anticipator pointer changes the heat output of the anticipator that in turn changes the behavior of the room thermostat to turn the burner off sooner or later with respect to the actual room temperature. Our page top photo illustr...
In doing so, make sure that you discuss the advantag Explain the role of the internal resistance of an ammeter, and why it is necessary to connect it in series with the circuit elements. (The series current is the same.) How would the current divide in a parallel branch of a ...