The reason why Christians go to church on Sunday instead of Saturday is that Jesus' resurrection occurred on Sunday. ... The resurrection of Jesus Christ on Sunday is also known as the Lord's Day. Therefore, Christians celebrate the day of Christ's resurrection instead of the Sabbath, which...
The reason why Christians go to church on Sunday instead of Saturday is that Jesus' resurrection occurred on Sunday. ... The resurrection of Jesus Christ on Sunday is also known as the Lord's Day. Therefore, Christians celebrate the day of Christ's resurrection instead of the Sabbath, which...
Days, months and years all have a natural basis, but weeks do not. They come straight out of the Bible: Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt though labor, and do all thy work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God. (Exodus 20:8) This ...
Welcome to the Cat Sabbath, Saturday, June 4, 2022, when all cats are expected to avoid work and study the Talmud. (Every day is Cat Shabbos.) It’s graduation day at the University of Chicago, when the class of 2023 moves up to become four-year students. As always, we award honora...
I recall in our 10th grade Sabbath School class of Comparative Religions being told by Mrs. Schecter, “Christianity was invented by a manic depressant named Saul of Tarsus. Therefore we are not even going to bother studying Christianity. We will now go on to the study of Buddhism.”...