Another favorite objection among critics, is that we have been guilty of illegitimate “extrapolation”. However, it should be apparent from the above calculation that there is no “extrapolation” in it at all. It is climatologists, not we, who insisted that ECS was about 3-4 K on the ...
and Wehner has no more evidence for God or a divine Jesus than we do for Bigfoot. But there will never be an end to this kind of Biblical exegesis, and once again we see a guy, purportedly possessed of neurons, spouting complete nonsense because it makes him feel good. ...
so we’re feeling pretty good about this purchase. When we need to run it, we do have to follow the below procedures, because it’s not a $10,000+ automatic standby model, but it’s honestly not all that complicated to execute: ...
Do that on a moving train or a flying plane and you'll find the stick behaves the same way. Unless you're experiencing turbulence (which is also acceleration) the stick will behave the same as it did when you were standing still. But do this in space and t...
If you do some simply math and calculate the time required to complete a single rotation of the disk. Looking at a drive that rotates at 7200 RPMs it takes 8.33mS per revolution (1/(7200/60)). If you take the same drive and rotate it at 10000 RPMs the amount of time drops to 5.99...
so often we just use Newton’s equations to calculate things. For example, the motion of satellites, or exoplanets. If we don’t need the precision of Einstein’s theory, we simply use Newton to get an answer that is “good enough.” We may have proven Newton’s theory “wrong”, but...
To apply to this case. It isn’t just sufficient to indicate that there’s a possibility that tunneling of something is “possible”. One must also calculate the probability of that occurring. This is where the magnitude of it happening makes a huge difference. If the probability is extremely...