Why is water cohesive? Why do water molecules stick to other water molecules? What is the importance of hydrogen in the body? Why are plants important to the water cycle? Why are the oceans important to the water cycle? Why is phosphorous an important biological molecule?
Why is water a polar compound? Why are all compounds molecules, but are not all molecules compounds? What type of bonding does ammonia have? Why do BF3 and NH3 have different shapes? Why is hydrogen chloride polar? Why are covalent bonds between hydrogen and nitrogen or oxygen polar?
Past hydrogen and helium, it's easiest to apply theoctet ruleto predict whether two atoms will form bonds and how many bonds they will form. Most atoms need eight electrons to complete their outer shell. So, an atom that has two outer electrons will often form a chemical bond with an at...
This is simply because in o-nitrophenol the OH group forms a hydrogen bond with the adjacent nitro group and that reduces its ability to form hydrogen bonds with other molecules. In p-nitrophenol the OH and nitro groups are on opposite sides of the molecule so there can't be an...
In liquid form, water molecules can move freely, forming and breaking hydrogen bonds in the process, a property that accounts for the irregular shape of water (or any liquid, for that matter). Some water molecules are often “stacked” on top of each other, which explains the higher density...
Pyridine will dissolve in water because ofthe strong hydrogen bonds (or dipole-dipole intermolecular interactions)that exist between the lone pair of electrons on pyridine's nitrogen atom and the solvent water molecules. Is pyrrole soluble in water?
Water molecules therrefore behave like magnets in that they arrange themselves such that hydrogen bonds form between the hydrogen atoms of one molecule and the oxygen atoms of other molecules. While these are weak bonds they can hold a specific orientation and allow water to form hydrogen bonds ...
This group allows phenol to form hydrogen bonds with water molecules which is not possible with benzophenone. This comparison also shows that certain functional groups play a crucial role in the solubility of compounds. Polarity of Solvents: Solubility in Nonpolar and Polar Solvents ...
water moleculesby hydrogen bonds, andtheyarearranged nearer to each other.At freezing point,wateroccupies a larger volume with spaces in between the packedmolecules,forming a crystalline arrangement.This open space in the crystalline structure makes the ice less dense thanits liquid form, andhence,...
Water can exist as a solid (ice), liquid (water liquid), or gas (water vapor). The basic molecular formula for the water molecule is the same in each H2O. But, as the temperature of the system changes the hydrogen bonds between water molecules change drastically. ...