They don't have warts! ... They're speedy! ... They 'wear' knee pads. Why do warthogs run with their tails up? They use their sharp lower canine teeth (which look like straight tusks) as weapons while squealing at the top of their lungs! When they walk, their tail hangs down,...
Does a warthog actually have warts? These sturdy hogs are not among the world's most aesthetically pleasing animals—their large, flat heads are covered with "warts," whichare actually protective bumps. Warthogs also sport four sharp tusks. They are mostly bald, but they do have some sparse ...
...people have been using dandelion tonics to help the body’s liver remove toxins from the bloodstream. In olden times, dandelions were also prescribed for every ailment, from warts to the plague. To this day, herbalists hail the dandelion as the perfect plant medicine: It is a gentle di...
and can avoid surgery. Some such ailments are Septic recurrent Tonsillitis, Piles,Fissure-in-ano, Fistula, Appendicitis (except gangrenous), Chronic ear discharge,Vocal cord nodules, Polyp in nose-ear, Kidney and Biliary (small) stones, small size Uterine Fibroid, Ovarian Cysts,Warts,Corns, ...
It helps in building up relationships. A handsome boy attracts a lot of girls. Similarly, beautiful girls have much sought after. Physical appearance does matter in a relationship. In a marriage, the partners need to take care of themselves physically to sustain their relationship. Many women fa...
Like the fact that we’re all such worrywarts, aren’t we? And so irrational, determining that just because something went horribly awry once, it will continue to do so for ever and ever and.. You’re right, I’m talking mostly about myself, but surely at least some of these ...
Mine’s expat life, travel warts and all. I’ve joined a local group of travel bloggers but wasn’t sure at first if they’d accept me because my blog isn’t all gloss! I don’t make any money from it and although I’m an expat I still have to cook the meals, do the dishes...
“The average rate of return on invested capital for public companies in the USA is a quarter of what it was in 1965.” Do you have a reference for that? Not that I don’t believe it, but it surprised me. It seems to me, whatever the source is likely has o...