Chromebooks are simple to use thanks to a lightweight interface, suitable for users of all ages. Chromebooks have evolved considerably since they launched in 2011 and are now more capable than ever. Why, then, do so few people consider them when buying their next laptop? This question has ...
We have at least four other serious browsers alternative today (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera) and it has nothing to do with that the court made Microsoft show a window where you must choose a webbrowser, the only thing I use IE to is go and download Chrome or Firefox. O...
对于一些特殊项目来说可能要考虑IE5.5或其他浏览器,无论如何我个人是不会考虑IE5.0和Mac IE的,要兼容这两者,付出的代价太大(除非有人愿意花这个成本)。 不过Browser有个特点,就是仅仅html也行。如果在设计时有一个basic的基于html的版本(比如gmail的basic版本),那很可能最古老或者罕见的浏览器也能运行。 2.UI响...
• Giving users a Graphical User Interface (GUI), whether browser based or not. • Interface with cell phones, PDA's, and equipment with a network interface. • Create and manipulate images, such as jpegs. We integrate with outside software prod- ucts to give us this functionality. ...
While I understand the principles behind it, it really just doesn’t make a lot of practical sense (aside from the request argument) to do this. The reason I mainly dislike this probably comes from my bias of having worked on a site using it, that I didn’t originally design. I didn...
I don’t dislike Linux, but I much prefer OS X. Unix is there when I want it, and disappears if I don’t. MP3 is present in OS X, I don’t have to wait until YDL includes it, or look for a work-around. OS X just _works_ for me. I feel like _I_ have to work for Li...
While I understand the principles behind it, it really just doesn’t make a lot of practical sense (aside from the request argument) to do this. The reason I mainly dislike this probably comes from my bias of having worked on a site using it, that I didn’t originally design. I didn...