Today, the term fascism has taken on a looser political definition and is often evoked as a catch-all for efforts to spread oppression and racism — as well as to decry dictators or leaders who embrace totalitarian tactics. It is not just the left that has used the term, denounci...
Now, military commanders and political leaders will have AI advisors that will help them make much better strategic and tactical decisions, minimizing risk, error, and unnecessary bloodshed. In short, anything that people do with their natural intelligence today can be done much better with AI, ...
Now, military commanders and political leaders will have AI advisors that will help them make much better strategic and tactical decisions, minimizing risk, error, and unnecessary bloodshed. 简而言之,当今人们利用其自然智能所做的任何事情都可以通过 AI 做得更好,我们将能够应对如果没有 AI 就无法应对...
Our founders knew that concentrating too much power in any one federal agency – especially a law enforcement agency – could lead to a tyrannical police state. It was one of their greatest fears. After all, they knew a thing or two about tyranny, and it was something they wanted to avoid...
I can see two extreme possibilities: the one where we are now headed and the one in which we (you) take the reins of power and declare a solution energy future The first is a totalitarian world in which the last drops of oil are squeezed out of the rainforests of the Amazon, the tun...
Lists about the bizarre, fascinating, and mysterious Democratic People's Republic of Korea and its Dear totalitarian dictator Leaders who will disappear your friends and family to remind you of their love. Here's What It's Really Like To Be A U.S. Prisoner In North Korea Peo...
Programmers working in different kinds of programming languages often come up with radically different solutions to problems. As a more extreme example, computer scientistseliminated thegotostatementto encourage more structured programs (not quite the same as totalitarian leaders in thenovel1984expunging her...
But now, given the radical shift toward totalitarian rule which the Clinton administration had brought to America, these “closet communists” and red diaper babies are brazenly strutting their stuff out in the open. How do we know that? Because Brzezinski himself said so. “Marxism is ...
Leaders of the "Christian Reconstruction" movement have had their disagreements on the application of the Theonomic thesis. Rushdoony and North disagreed to such an extent that they weren't even talking to each other! Bahnsen disagreed with Rushdoony on several issues, as we've noted. ...
Collective or social conceptions of work, enterprise or economies somehow were regarded as incipiently totalitarian. Friedman even allocated the growing interest in corporate social responsibility to this category of creeping collectivisation concluding: “The doctrine of “soc...