several languages suddenly died. Another reason for the extinction is the pressure exerted on a community to incorporate with a more powerful or larger group. In some areas, the people had tolearn the foreign languagebut
As for yourself, death shall come to you from the sea, and your life shall ebb away very gently when you are full of years and peace of mind, and your people shall bless you. I don’t know Greek, but it seems that death coming from the sea is the correct interpretation. I find ...
exchange student (at university) in Germany, Italy and Spain, but the locals did not try to speak English, or French or whatever other language to me, even if they spoke it fluently (which I knew happened among the friends I made). =>Is Japanso closed that they do not take "...
"Megan," he said, "you shouldn't talk to people so openly about money." Twenty-plus years later, and I do precisely that — talk about money — for a living. Putting my ambitions of singing backup for Irish-pop girl bands aside, I'm pretty satisfied with my career. ...
1. The US Allows Immigration.For example, I doubt it would be possible to reproduce Silicon Valley in Japan, because one of Silicon Valley's most distinctive features is immigration. Half the people there speak with accents. And the Japanese don't like immigration. When they think about how...
Language is the archives of history. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) Travel Many English speakers seem to believe that wherever you go on holiday you can get by speaking English, so there's no point in learning any other languages. If people don't understand you all you have to do is speak slowly...
This piece by Bernd Brunner may not have any particular conclusion to offer (“In the end, beauty in language is just one of those things”), but it’s always enjoyable to think about ineffabilities like “why do so many people think German sounds awful?”— and the fact that the auth...
What the Rosetta Stone Learners I’ve Met Couldn’t Do I’ve traveled the world and talked with thousands of language learners. Every time I met someone who had learned a new language, I asked them how they learned it. When I found people who were trying to learn Spanish, French, Germa...
Each has a whole culture behind it that is as distinct as wildlings compared to the Winterfell-born. Yorkshire is the name of the dialect, the accent and the largest county in the North of England. The people who speak it are called Yorkshiremen or women. But the most important thing ...