The truth about sweat Sweating is completely normal and is a natural and key function of the body. It is important to note that sweating is the body’s way of regulating body temperature. Yet for some, the apocrine glands, which are responsible for sweating, become overactive and produce mo...
But if you’re no longer in the heat or exercising, your body should stop secreting sweat. For those who have hyperhidrosis, the signal to produce sweat doesn’t turn off, Dr. Green says. Below, dermatologists explain causes and contributors of hyperhidrosis and other reasons why you may sw...
Everyone sweats; It’s normal, it’s healthy, and it’s a sign our eccrine sweat glands are doing their job, helping our body’s complex cooling system. Without the ability to produce sweat, we’d be at a constant threat of heatstroke, making fevers terrifying. BUT… for some, it’s...
But it's not really something you do, at least not in the way you do push-ups. It's more a state of mind. Technically, the highly physical practice that Westerners think of as yoga is just one of a large body of yogic disciplines, some of which are far more spiritual than sweat...
Sweating is your body’s natural response to various stimuli. An increase in body temperature is the primary cause of sweating. When your body temperature rises, the hypothalamus in your brain sends signals to activate your sweat glands, prompting them to produce sweat to help you cool off.2 ...
bacteria eat the dead skin and sweat on your feet and produce something All Rights Reserved.这种臭味是由于细菌在出汗的地方繁殖而引起的。它们喜欢出汗的、阴暗的地方,比如你整天穿着鞋子的脚。这些细菌会吃掉你脚上的死皮和汗水,并产生臭味。Why do only your feet smell?The feet have more...
Mildew and bacteria from the species ofCorynebacteriumandStaphylococcusreact with sweat, skin cells and various other gland secretions to produce volatile organic compounds. It is these compounds that produce the nauseating odor some clothes can develop. These compounds cling to our clothes and make the...
“Exercise and sweat don’tcauseacne,” explains Lortscher. “The eccrine glands produce sweat, and the sebaceous glands produce sebum, or oil—so revving up the sweat glands doesn’t actually activate the oil glands involved in acne breakouts. However, the moisture produced may encourage acne-...
The endocrine system has many different glands that produce hormones, but there are a number of other glands present in the body, responsible for different duties. Answer and Explanation: Sudoriferous glands, more commonly known as sweat glands, are...
Maybe because body odor is considered to be rather offensive, or even maybe in the tropics you do sweat a lot with the high humidity too. Besides, it is refreshing and relaxing, a good way to relieve stress after a day's work.When...