What are allergies and why do we experience symptoms only during specific periods of the year?Immune System:The human immune system is composed of cells called the leucocytes that act as guards and keep a check on the foreign substances or objects that enter the body....
The article presents University of Tulsa biology professor Estelle Levetin's explanation of factors contributing to annual variations in seasonal allergies among Americans include the effect of weather on the allergy season's length and strength, the effect of rain, and the impact of global warming....
Why some people develop allergies later in life remains largely unknown Image:Getty Images You might have spent much of your life counting your blessings that you made it well into adulthood without an allergy, then one spring or summer, the sniffles start, tim...
(a) What is gluten? (b) Why do some people want to be gluten-free?Question:(a) What is gluten? (b) Why do some people want to be gluten-free?Fad Diets:Over the last century diets will come to public knowledge and may be used widely but not necessary. These are refer...
Polluted air and steadily rising temperatures are linked to health effects ranging from increased heart attacks and strokes to the spread of infectious diseases and psychological trauma.
Howden said there are no real measures for comparing how bad allergy season is each year, but certain years have more pollen and poplar tree fluff compared to others, amplifying allergy symptoms. "It's really hard to say why it'll be harder year-to-year for s...
If your allergies are less severe, you have a few alternatives to this spartan approach. First, if you insist on carpet but haven't picked it out yet, do your allergies a favor by choosing one with a short, tight weave rather than long, loose fibers. The shorter the carpet fibers...
NEW YORK — Are your seasonal allergies sticking around longer than usual? It's not just you, and experts say a warming world may be part of the reason why. Seasonal allergy sufferers have a lot of company; according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 25.7% of ...
[#insert4] Evergreen conifers, which do not shed their leaves, have less to gain from spring flowering, and, indeed, some flower in the autumn or winter. [#paragraph4]Pollen produced higher in the top branches is likely to go farther: it is windier (and gustier) and the pollen can...
Just like people, some dogs suffer from dry skin, particularly in the winter. Dry, itchy skin can be uncomfortable for the dog, and if a dog's skin is itchy, they may lick at it to self-soothe. If the veterinarian has ruled out allergies and other issues, dry, irritated skin may be...