Discusses the reasons why women love muscular men. Appeal of muscles that can be developed through physical fitness; Emergence of Muscle Beach phenomenon in Santa Monica, California in the 1940s and 1950s; Popularity of musclem...
Why do so many people go out of their way to build more muscle mass, and why is it so hard to look away from a person who is heavily muscular and lean? Some might say that it is our culture, Hollywood, or some other nurture over nature reasoning. This explanation is all fine and ...
facial features differ between women and men, on average, but there is much overlap between the sexes. Using just the distances between 'landmark' features, the differences between masculine and feminine faces come down to complex multivariate vectors, but features like brow prominence, chin ...
lose weight, and, of course, build strength. This has always been true, but it took until recent years for women, in particular, to jump on the strength training, well, train. Thanks to the cardio craze of the 90s and a slew of marketing mainly aimed at men, weightlifting has been...
Discusses the reasons why women love muscular men. Appeal of muscles that can be developed through physical fitness; Emergence of Muscle Beach phenomenon in Santa Monica, California in the 1940s and 1950s; Popularity of musclemen in European films; Women's ranking of self-confidence as the sexi...
“Love” has become a hunt for money and superior genes – women want a man with specific genetics which he will later transmit to his offspring. Naturally, men do that as well. We search for females of a certain heritage. The difference is that women’s requirements have g...
which causes the muscular bladder wall to contract, preparing it to push urine out of the body. This autonomic process works like an on-off switch, suppressing the instructive nerve reflexes while the bladder is still filling up, but "stimulating those reflexes to act when the bladder is full...
Dizygotic twins are also called fraternal twins and do not share the same DNA. In fact they are like siblings from multiple births.Answer and Explanation: This question will have to be rephrased to make it easier to understand. It is invalid as stated si...
Asking the questing,“Why do women like tall men?”is just like asking,“Why do men like women with big boobs?” Why? It’s simply not true that all men want a woman with big boobs, but there can be no denying that it can certainly get our attention, right? However, if the woman...
The reference values (cut-off) are specific for country and population, but not specific for ages; this is a limit, as waist circumference generally increases in both men and women with their age. The reliability of the folds is limited by several factors, such as the variability of the ...