Luther appealed to a couple of things in his criteria for excluding the Deuterocanonicals. The first one was the European Jews that Luther was aware of did not have these books in their Bibles. And so the argument, and this is an argument that’s still used by Protestants today. You kn...
According to the LA Times, Gideon International spends approximately $100 million a year on distributing Bibles to all of the different locations (not just hotels). In case you were not clear,hotels do not pay for the Bibles.The Bibles are “provided through donations from church offerings and...
Here is some related reading for you:Bible Verses About Jealousy: 20 Important Quotes Resource – Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®(ESV®), Crossway Bibles. (2007). ESV: Study Bible: English standard version. Wheaton, Ill: Crossway Bibles. Used by perm...
True, Trump's stubby fingers make anything he holds look bigger. Still, anyone can see that this is a lightweight volume. Page count-wise, it looks less like "War and Peace" and more like a user manual for a can opener. Most King James Bibles have teeny-tiny print and th...
So, Jesus. Was he real? Most likely, he was a real person as we have more than just the New Testament as sources for his existence. There are writings going all the way back to the 1stcentury Gnostics, some of whom regarded Jesus as the bodily incarnation of God, and others who down...
When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do. The money you send in goes primarily to the overall daily operations of this site. When people ask for Bibles, we send them out atnocharge. When people ...
Voltaire said, “Another century and there will not be a Bible on earth!” It is reported that the Geneva Bible Society bought his house and used it as a bookstore that sells only Bibles. The Bible has more manuscript evidence to support it than any other book in the world...
Now, here’s John MacArthur making some kind of argument based on that, CLIP: The doctrine of the assumption. You may have heard of that, the assumption or the ascension. This doctrine didn’t find a place in the actual cannon of Catholic theology until 1950. It was in November the ...
Why have I been doing this? Why to I do this? If I want to sell my books, this approach is likely costing me publicity opportunities. Female bloggers who have played it up have gone viral and gotten a lot of attention. Despite the temptation, I refuse to play this card. I simply wo...
Now would be the time to ask you to please take out your bibles for consultation. I will only cite the verse and a brief overview. I do not have the space to write out the verse in its entirety. I especially don’t wish to spew out so much information that I run the risk of ove...