This study offers a content analysis of the existential issues in personal expressions of school shooters prior to their deeds in order to shed more light on their motives.Additional informationAuthor informationBirgit PfeiferBirgit Pfeifer is associate lector at the School of Education, Windesheim ...
While most gun violence is committed by people who have never been diagnosed as mentally ill, even those suffering frompsychosis(which most mass shooters do not) act for what appear to them to be valid reasons, and from thesamemotivations as non-psychotic people. Ready access to fi...
As shooters continued to fire in the Shaughnessy home, Corey used her own handgun to shoot back. When Corey ran out of ammunition, she hid in a closet and called the police, frantically pleading for help. Ted, her husband of 30 years, lay dead near their kitchen table. Bart, one of t...
With the large number of shootings that have occurred in United States’ history one expected a pattern to exist for the shooters yet it seemed nonexistent. Many variables existed, almost 40 (Mongan,2007), making predicting when a school shooting would occur impossible. Even threats stating a ...
Shootings, whether they’re in Parkland, Orlando, Las Vegas or Sutherland Springs, all have one thing in common. They’re almost always perpetrated by men.
There is video of the cop-shooters yMHpU3vMzuRJCTWK.mp4 exiting the school despite the advertised fact that cops were told not to enter. As in the Las Vegas mass shooting, the surveillance video has been suppressed. A reader, Marco suggests the reason: In regards to your question "How...
Why do we do it? have no slightest idea but we do it obviously Last edited: Jun 3, 2022 kaozer D. Beaudoin Jun 3, 2022 Ive allways played video games, mainly shooters because they were a good way to satisfy my competitive side. And it allways felt awesome to outsmart ennemies and...
Id Software co-founder talks to Ars about everything fromCatacomb 3-Dto "boomer shooters." How Bill Gates’Minesweeperaddiction helped lead to the Xbox Book excerpt: Convincing early '90s Microsoft to sell games was an uphill battle. First encounter:COMPUTE!magazine and its glorious, tedious type...
the frustrating part is each of these largely social factors can theoretically be debunked when taken individually rather than considered as potential components to an overall PATTERN of similarity between mass shooters. And some who want to blame it all on guns or DJT are quick to doexactly ...
All of this begets a fitting metaphor forSuperhot‘s standing out not just from real life, but also from other first-person shooters via a twist on the genre formula: Time movesonly when the player does. This compels players to think differently and tactically about how to take on one’s...