Do not panic when you see your sleeping dog start to twitch. Gently call out his name to wake him. Some dogs can be touchy and reactive while sleeping, so do not use your hand to rouse your dog or you may get bitten. For your safety, honor that adage to “let sleeping dogs lie....
If yourdog is sleepingand growling, you need to explore why this is happening and what you should do when it occurs. Dogs growl while dreaming Humans make noises while they sleep. They may talk to other people or mutter to themselves. If they're having a particularly realistic dream, they...
There are a few reasons your dog may kick their back legwhile awakeand most of them are nothing to worry about. However, just like when your dog is sleeping, you should watch for any signs that something more serious might be happening. A common reason for kicking back legs is the scrat...
Question:I'm not sure of my cat's age exactly, but I do know that he isn't even a year old yet. He was fairly small when I first got him but once he started getting a bit bigger he started to eat a lot and that's kinda when his belly started getting bigger. He acts normal ...